Get Your Girlfriend Back - The Tricky Methods That You Are Missing!

Are you confused over exactly what it’s going to take to win your girlfriend back? This is understandable given the stress that you’re under after your breakup. Someday though, you will look back and realize that you’re doing everything wrong. Once you understand how what you’re doing is hurting your chances of getting your ex girlfriend back you’ll be able to change your tactics and start to actually win her back.

You are probably like most guys and you are just freaking out trying to figure out what you need to do to win your girlfriend back. You have tried everything that you can think of including begging and possibly crying in hopes of getting her to change her mind. You have scoured the internet looking for advice and maybe even tried some of the suggested tricks to help you to get her back. You have tried talking to her and trying to reason with her and you’ve even been sickeningly sweet and romantic hoping that she’ll see how much you love her. But nothing is working and I know why.

Female psychology is the name of the game and it explains why you have no idea what to do and why what you’re doing isn’t working. Everything that you’re doing, while thinking that your methods make perfect sense, just won’t work on your ex girlfriend. All of this being nice and being romantic and wanting to talk is only killing your chances of winning your ex girlfriend back. You are making yourself look like an idiot in the long run because your ex has no desire to get back together with you right now. All the talking in the world isn’t going to make a difference until she wants to get back together with you. Let me explain.

Just remember back to when you first met your girlfriend. You didn’t have to do half the work that you’re doing now to get her to want you. She enjoyed being around you and she was attracted to you. She had feelings and desires and emotions connected to spending time with you that were very positive and moving to her. You made her feel things that other guys simply didn’t and that’s why she chose you over every other guy out there. But it was her emotions that made her make that decision. Remember that!

Right now, what kind of emotions are you making her feel? Chances are that these days when she sees you or when you call her on the phone she feels dread and disgust and apathy, at best. In order for you to win your ex girlfriend back you need to make her feel positive feelings. In her mind you need to go from being that pathetic guy that she was with to the one that she screwed up and let get away. You need to make her feel those emotions that she craves that are oh so familiar to her.

To wash away the damage that you have done so far the best thing that you can do is nothing. That means no contacting her, no calling her, no texting her, no nothing for a while. Don't freak out and think that she is going to think that you don't love her anymore. Actually, that is the objective! Time will do its thing and she will see that your insanity was only temporary and she will wonder what's up with you. She will begin to forget about all the wussy stuff that you did right after the breakup and she might even reach out to you. In time she will begin to remember the good stuff and how you made her feel. Women reminisce a lot and if you aren't making her feel dread from hearing from you and she's also not feeling those positive emotions from hearing from you, she will begin to dream of what it was like when things were good between you.

And Does This Work? – While using psychological methods to win your ex girlfriend back might seem like they don’t hold the punch that you’re looking for, it is the most powerful and effective method known for changing a woman’s mind. Women are ruled by their emotions and they are all about how they feel. They will spend a load of money on a pair of shoes or a great fitting pair of jeans that make them feel sexy or hot. The money never even comes to their mind once they find something that gives them the emotions that they desire. It’s simply female psychology but it can be difficult for us guys to understand.

Now, you might get part way into using female psychology to win your ex girlfriend back and you might think that it's never going to work. You might flip out and be tempted to go back to the things that you had been doing or want to call a truce and ask her to be your friend or some other equally weenie-like thing. But think of it this way. Even if you did manage to get her back using those methods she would only be with you for a short while. Once she stopped feeling bad about the breakup or halfheartedly gave in to you, she would break up with you again. Her heart wouldn't be in it and until it is you're dead meat.

Typically, guys that go against the tide and use these methods are so blown away by the results that they think that there must be something wrong with their ex. They think that something must be up or that it's a trap but the truth is that by messing with her mind and using emotional tactics you will have your ex sniffing around before you know it and eventually begging you for a second chance if you play things out the way you should. So, if you really want to know how to get your exgifriend back the answer is by using female psychology and by using her emotions against her.

Go Here to discover the dirty tricks for how to win your girlfriend back by using dirty psychological tricks. See for yourself how you can get your girlfriend back without begging or pleading and keep your self esteem intact. Do it now before she leaves you for good!